Yesterday, we drove about an hour down Highway 1 to Swanton Berry Farms where we were able to pick ripe, fresh, organic strawberries for $1.40 a pound. If you are a Bay Area resident, I would highly recommend this activity. The Swanton Farm is a pretty astounding place -- for reasons varying from their fantastic berries, their seaside location, to the way that they treat their employees (see "Human Values" on their site linked above).
The U-Pick was a few miles south of their farm buildings, and afterward we drove back to the farmstand to inhale amazing baked desserts. The farm stand is a self-serve shop with wonderful delicacies. You drop your money in the cash box and can pick up a Scharfenberger chocolate dipped strawberry, jams, strawberry gelato, shortcake, or blackberry streudel -- everything freshly baked and prepared. Both Jason and I had been before, and I was hoping that we weren't talking it up too much to our friends Ken and Tricia ... but they seemed to love it as much as we do.
My original plan was to freeze the berries for smoothies, and I probably will still do that, but I'm also looking for a good strawberry dessert recipe ... don't say strawberry pie - I don't think I can handle making my own crust. Last year for Jason's birthday I made a pound cake with a strawberry and balsamic topping, so I may have to do a repeat of that dish. Of course, sometimes nothing beats the whole fresh berry.
Click here to see more pictures of our adventures.