A couple of years ago, I decided to make taquitos. I don't fry foods very often, so the idea of so much hot oil in the pan was a little foreign to me. I made a couple and they seemed to come out okay. And then I reached over the pan to grab something behind it (kids don't try this at home) and pulled the entire. pan. down. It was horrible. The oil was everywhere. I promptly slipped in it, and just had this super hot oil all over me.
I actually felt okay afterward. I ended up going to the emergency room just to be checked out, but was very lucky in the fact that I only had slight burns.
A couple of days later my grandmother called me. "You know," she began "I have been thinking about it, and you didn't have that taquito oil hot enough. If you would have been cooking them correctly, you should have gotten much more burned. So next time make sure you turn up the flame."